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Welcome to Gymtastics Gym Club

Have an Account?

You must login or create an account to register for classes.

Adult classes and drop in are not offered at this time.

Please note that if our system detects more than 30 minutes of inactivity in your browser, your registration spots will no longer be reserved and you will need to begin again.

Having difficulty finding a class? Use the side menu options to filter the displayed classes.

We have moved to continuous monthly classes. Register once to secure your spot for the year. Class payments are automatically billed on the 1st of each month. Once a month has begun and fees have been paid, participants are committed to that month. Registration is ongoing and participants can enroll in an available class at anytime. 

Fees will vary from month to month as they will be based on the number of classes offered within that specific month.

Cancellation Policy:

  • If you do need to cancel your enrolment for the upcoming month, please provide in writing your cancellation notice to before the 15th of the month to avoid being charged and committed for the following month. Class registrations are based on a monthly commitment. Therefore, no refunds or credits will be provided for the remainder of the month if a participant decides to drop mid-month. Please note: It is not possible to pause monthly payments while not attending classes for an extended period of time.  

  • Cancellation requests received after the 15th of the month will be applied to the end of the following month. Pro-rated refunds or credits will not be given after the cancellation.

  • Please note: It is not possible to pause monthly payments while not attending classes for an extended period of time.   

  • Before classes begin in September there is a $30.00 cancellation fee, service fee and GST per person. The Alberta Gymnastics Federation Fee and service fees are non-refundable.